Sort course category carousel using custom order or ID

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  • #262615
    Makarand Mane
    Hi in course category carousel I want to sort cat using ID or custom order provided in admin. It only sort with name.
    Makarand Mane
    Hi Any update
    Hello, Dear friend, sorry for late reply, But there is no option to sort courses by id or order in course category carousel, only there is an option to include terms by slug if you want to exclude some items from this carousel then include those items which you want to show, Refer: Thanks,
    Makarand Mane
    HI Jackson I dont need to exclude. I need to re-order it, way my client want. Tell me where code of this elementor block is located
    Hello @makarand, Sorry friend , This is Not available , Thanks,
    Makarand Mane
    Hello @Jackson Just tell me where is code of this elementor block is located. I will change myself
    Anshuman Sahu
    Its in \wp-content\plugins\vibe-customtypes\metaboxes\library\vibe-editor.php file taxnomy_carousel function . Note that changing the code directly into core plugin files is not recommended , you will loose all these changes after update and we wont be able to help you with it .
    Makarand Mane
    Hi Alex
    1. Working with WPLMS since 2014, so well aware about updates
    2. I am going to modify it using hooks or I will override this function from child theme.
    3. Can u plz tell me in which function, taxnomy_carousel is called? I checked plugin and theme but didn't found this is used anywhere. I am using elementor builder not vibe builder, so it this same function used by elementor also?
    4. I saw this shortcode add_shortcode('v_taxonomy_carousel', array($this,'taxonomy_carousel')); But taxonomy_carousel is not used anywhere. Call back for this shortcode is taxonomy_carousel and declared function is taxnomy_carousel. Both are different in spelling.
    Updates: Added my Finding and reply. check below
    Makarand Mane
    Hi Alex, Addition to last reply,
    1. You already have parameter declared for shortcode called orderby...
    2. For elementor you added control Order by but options are wrong ('Decending', 'Ascending') Which should be same as required by shortcode  Like 'Alphabetical', 'description'& ,'meta_value_num'='Custom Order' & you dont have control named Order for elementor widget, with option  ('Decending', 'Ascending') .
    3. If you add right control & so it work without any hassle. As shortcode already accepts parameter, meta_value_num & can sort by custom order
    4. I think its mistake in your code & you should fix in next update
    File vibe-editor.php line no 3106
    $v_modules['taxonomy_carousel'] = array(
            'name' => __('Course Category Carousel', 'vibe-customtypes'),
            'options' => array(
                 'orderby' => array(
                    'title' => __('Show Direction arrows', 'vibe-customtypes'),
                    'type' => 'select',
                    'type' => 'select',
                    'options' => array('name'=>__('Alphabetical', 'vibe-customtypes'),'description'=>__('Description', 'vibe-customtypes'),'meta_value_num'=>__('Custom Order','vibe-customtypes')),
                    'std' => 1
    vibe-courseCarousel.php Line no 85
                    'label' => __('OrderBy', 'vibe-customtypes'),
                    'type' => \Elementor\Controls_Manager::SELECT,
                    'default' => 'rated',
                    'options' => array(
                        'DESC' => 'Decending',
                        'ASC' => 'Ascending'
    As you can see above, default parameter & options doesnt match at all.  On line no 502, Why you are forcefully replacing orderby & order value?
    Anshuman Sahu
    You are right , this was done by a team member who integrated the elementor with theme . Adding to issue  log :
    Makarand Mane
    Looks like your elementor developer was in too hurry to finish it :) Here is my patch
    From 680925dc9c3147f052a574ad630b40d2f62fc56d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
    From: Makarand Mane <>
    Date: Sun, 31 May 2020 01:23:06 +0530
    Subject: [PATCH] Fix sort category by custom order. Added new dropdown for
     orderby with correct options. Corrected code in callback function
     includes/elementor/widgets/vibe-courseCarousel.php | 12 +++++++++++-
     metaboxes/library/vibe-editor.php                  |  5 ++++-
     2 files changed, 15 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
    diff --git a/includes/elementor/widgets/vibe-courseCarousel.php b/includes/elementor/widgets/vibe-courseCarousel.php
    index 23a0dd3..3c7ec48 100644
    --- a/includes/elementor/widgets/vibe-courseCarousel.php
    +++ b/includes/elementor/widgets/vibe-courseCarousel.php
    @@ -85,7 +85,17 @@ if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) {
                    'label' => __('OrderBy', 'vibe-customtypes'),
                    'type' => \Elementor\Controls_Manager::SELECT,
    -               'default' => 'rated',
    +               'default' => 'name',
    +               'options' => array('name'=>__('Alphabetical', 'vibe-customtypes'),'description'=>__('Description', 'vibe-customtypes'),'meta_value_num'=>__('Custom Order','vibe-customtypes')),
    +           ]
    +       );
    +       $this->add_control(
    +           'order',
    +           [
    +               'label' => __('Order', 'vibe-customtypes'),
    +               'type' => \Elementor\Controls_Manager::SELECT,
    +               'default' => 'ASC',
                    'options' => array(
                        'DESC' => 'Decending',
                        'ASC' => 'Ascending'
    diff --git a/metaboxes/library/vibe-editor.php b/metaboxes/library/vibe-editor.php
    index 1d9af86..c0df8fa 100644
    --- a/metaboxes/library/vibe-editor.php
    +++ b/metaboxes/library/vibe-editor.php
    @@ -500,7 +500,10 @@ function custom_post_carousel($atts, $content = null) {
    -              $args['orderby']='name';$args['order']=$atts['orderby'];
    +              $args['order']= $atts['order'];
    +             $args['orderby']=$atts['orderby'];
    +             if( $atts['orderby'] == 'meta_value_num')
    +                 $args['meta_key']= 'course_cat_order';
    Anshuman Sahu
    Thank you for reporting these .Will check carefully for other mistakes and these commits and update the plugin code .
    Makarand Mane
    Is this code added in new update?
    Anshuman Sahu
    Well the update has not rolled out yet .  
    This reply has been marked as private.
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