Start Course not working

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  • #10233
    Dear Support. We got all things working just fine it seems and can create courses, units, users, gruoups, connect Woocommerce etc etc. BUT when it comes to the student needing to either START COURSE or CONTINUE COURSE the page just doesn't load. It jumps elsewhere e.g. on course overview (depending what page I set in Buddypress). I had it just working perfectly last week, but something must have been done wrong or I must have deleted something and I have no clue what. maybe it's because of some translation strings mixed up or... I don't know and investigated everything. I am used to Wordpress and I have gone through all topics in your Forum concerning similar issues and found nothing that could help. I'm confident all is set up correctly so I'm afraid I need an expert to take a look. Issue regards this site: Thanks
    Anshuman Sahu
    Please select the course status page form wp-admin wplms -> course manager : refer  :
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