Stretch Stats on mobile view

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  • #58866
    Hello! Can you help us please. How can we do a stretch Stats on vertical mobile view on Home page? We got this CSS .stripe.homecounter{overflow:hidden;padding:0;} .homecounter .parallax_content{background:url('') repeat; padding: 30px 0 90px; top: 0;}
    Anshuman Sahu
    Please try adding the given css from wp-admin ->appearance -> customize -> custom css : @media (max-width:769px){.home section.stripe.homecounter {     height: 550px !important; }.home section.stripe.homecounter .parallax_content {   height: 550px !important; }   }
    Thank you. Now we can see all Stats. How can we make it stretch but horizontal? Not vertical
    Anshuman Sahu
    Well that is not possible as they are added into a one_third column shortcode . If we reduce its width then the width of this column will be distorted all over the website .
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