Hi there,
Why my website looks like this? https://prnt.sc/su6tgw
I am currently setting my website watching many YouTube tutorials.
I was trying to include some widgets into my student dashboard. But it looks disordered and not well arranged as you see, right?
I thought it originally looked like this. But when I was watching youtube video
it looks like this https://prnt.sc/su6w8l
It's very neat and well organized. How can I make my website like this?
yes it will be totally safe
ok let me clear the things.
what you have to do is just manually change the current file with the original one!
you can make use of this tip also: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fAxv6SwAgtw
this is the same manner you can find the file and replace the current file with original one.
it's just the guide to let you know that how you can replace your current file with the older one.
it's not a typical job it's just the replacement of the files!
just replace the current one with the initial one that you have got with theme package!