Student dashboard not showing on mobile

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  • #130199
    Hi While trying to make registration for free courses work, I noticed that the student profile dashboard tab doesn't open on mobile. Haven't checked yet whether instructor dashboards open on mobile. Can you please suggest a solution to this? Thanks.
    Anshuman Sahu
    Okay please share your site url and admin credentials to check this issue at your end . PS : mark reply as private while sharing .
    Hmm... I am now not sure whether it is necessary to look at it. I sort of solved it. The problem was that there are two pages, one called My Account and one called Profile. When redirecting users after registration to My Account, they get the weird view on mobile. When redirecting to Profile, it looks as it should. As much as I recall, both My Account and Profile were among the pre-made pages of the theme. Not sure whether this is an issue or what this page My Account is supposed to be used for?
    Anshuman Sahu
    My account is actually woocommerce account page and profile is actually buddy press profile . Please try disabling the "Show WooCommerce/Pmpro account in profile  " in wp-admin -> lms -> settings . refer :   from my account page of woocommerce user can check her orders and purchase realted things .  
    It is disabled. What confused me, was that both pages exist as published pages in the WPLMS package and I didn't know what they were. Would it be okay to delete the My Account page or would it cause problems?
    Anshuman Sahu
    It wont cause any problems to the site . You can trash it .
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