When Some one is log out , ANd click the take this couse option it is not working.
here is the video: https://yadi.sk/d/S6Xzx4MPX91RQw
But if he logged in then the button is not working.
If some one is logged out and click the take this course option then he log in form should pop up after registering/log in he s
should be redirected to the page. Jut like 3.9 version
Please check this.
if I something doing wrong then tell me.
thank you.
ok fixed by disabling this settings in wp-admin -> lms ->s etting s: Open Login popup for non logged in users when they click on take this course button(For all courses)[ Legacy ]
I have turn on the settings but now it is redirecting to the cart page. it does not open the log in pop up.
One more thing if you see the video you can see that when someone hover on the take this course button it disappears. here need a little fix of hover color/animation. It is not available in the elementor settings ( in hover position).
thank you,
Well yes on checkout page the account is automatically created and user is logged in , so there should not be any issues with that .
to correct the button style please add this custom css in your wp-admin -> appearance -> customize -> custom css:
.course_button.full.button:hover a{color:#FFFFFF;}.course_button.full.button a{
after turning on this "settingd wp-admin -> lms ->settings Open Login popup for non logged in users when they click on take this course button(For all courses)[ Legacy ]".
It worked.
but now tonight I have the same problem , though I checked the settings. please check it this course:
Well yes that setting is causing this issue there in first place , you have to keep that off and do not worry about the user going to checkout page as his account will be created once payment is done automatically and he will be logged in automatically ,Infact this userflow improves sales .
I have added the custom CSS Code given above but The "Take This Course" still black. it becomes white on hover. I want to make it constant white.
Please help.
please use this css :
a.course_button.button:active,a.course_button.button{color:#ffffff !important;}