When I put the data of the teachers in the course template, the profile images are repeated and do not change according to the user, as if it does with the name.
Also, I understand that you have to place as many elementor elements as the maximum number of teachers a course has. So if in one course I have 5 teachers, and in another course I have only 2. In the visual where I have 2 teachers, 5 items are also shown, and 3 teachers repeated at the end. This I had to hide with css according to the post-id of each one, but it is not the adequate solution.
I have checked the single course page and no instructor image is available there
can you be more specific about the page URL?
example: https://cbaglobal.com.ar/capacitacion/estrategia-y-conflictos-internacionales/
It looks like in the screenshot that I shared before (https://prnt.sc/213zpof), now the images of the teacher are hidden since they look bad. You can unhide them from the browser console:
As I was saying, the first image is the correct one from the first user, the following ones are repeated the same as the first and the other data is fine.
yes right this is an issue
thanks for pointing this out
I saw that the status of the issue was updated in trello. Will you answer me here when the solution is ready?
it is the instruction for the team
when it is fixed the card will be moved to development complete
also let us know if you are okay with shortcode so we will create a shortcode for this that you can add in wplms-customizer.php
If a shortcode solves it, please tell me how to proceed
ok we will provide it by tomorrow
ping us here
we are working on this
and will provide you update