Testimonial Page

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  • #96816
    How do I customize the default testimonial page?
    1. adding elements doesn't work.

    2. how do I enable a form to submit testimonial for admin review? I was hoping to embed the form on the testimonial page.

    Please refer to this page: http://test.redmako.com.au/testimonial/

    1. also how to fix the layout since after the 4th testimonial the content is indented. after the date. <p lang="en-PH" style="margin: 0in; font-family: Calibri; font-size: 11.0pt;"></p>
    H.K. Latiyan
    1) Sorry I am unable to get this, can you please share a screenshot of the issue. 2) Sorry this is not available in wplms, you can try searching for some third party plugin which works for the posts. 3) This is not an indentation issue, actually there the featured image should come, it seems like you have set some blank featured image in those testimonials. Please edit the testimonial and add the featured image in it and save it. Then the featured image will be shown there.
    Hi! How do I hide the breadcrumbs and date for the testimonial page? please see screenshot regarding query: http://prnt.sc/edty53   Thanks!
    H.K. Latiyan
    For this add the bellow css in your appearance->customize->custom css:
    .post-type-archive-testimonials #title .pagetitle .breadcrumbs,.post-type-archive-testimonials #content .blogpost .meta {display:none;}
    .post-type-archive-testimonials #content .blogpost .excerpt {margin-left:0;}
    Thanks! that code worked.. but why isn't there an edit page button on the testimonials page? I want to add a sidebar. Screenshot: http://prnt.sc/ee72zr url: http://test.redmako.com.au/testimonial/
    H.K. Latiyan
    Please make sure the right sidebar template is selected on the testimonial page. By default the mainsidebar is shown on the page, so please make sure the mainsidebar is not empty in your appearance->widgets->main sidebar.
    I have a similar / follow up question on this topic. My testimony pages includes one of the author accounts that posted the testimony. How can I remove or hide that author link? See screenshot: http://prnt.sc/emayt5
    H.K. Latiyan
    You want to remove the author name, then add the bellow css in your appearance->customize->custom css: .post-type-archive-testimonials .blogpost .cats {display:none;}
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