The course-status page does not start the course, I clicked in start the course and I am going to All course page and I tried to start again but I went to single course page.
I have sure, I checked the buddy press pages and course-status page options and the error still ocorrer.
They said this a very common issue at theme forest, but I dont know how to fix.
I am using wordpress multisite installation
Yes it s a common issue, but still we need to check all the settings.
Please share WP Admin credentials to check the settings.
Also Try resaving permalinks.
User: root
Pass: tekY70894Rb
I checked you site and found the start course page to be working :
For the text color please try adding the given css from wp-admin -> appearance -> customize -> custom css :
.elegant #buddypress div#item-header #latest-update h6, .elegant #buddypress div#item-header div#item-header-content, .elegant #buddypress div#item-header div#item-header-content h3 a, .elegant #buddypress div#item-header div#item-header-content span.highlight a, .elegant #buddypress div#item-header div#item-meta, .elegant #item-admins h3, .elegant #item-admins h5, .elegant #item-admins h5 a, .elegant .course_timeline h4 a, .elegant .course_timeline li>a, .elegant .unit_prevnext a, .elegant.single-course.c2 .course_header #item-header-content .breadcrumbs li+li:before, .elegant.single-course.c2 .course_header #item-header-content a, .elegant.single-course.c3 .course_header #item-header-content .breadcrumbs li+li:before, .elegant.single-course.c3 .course_header #item-header-content a {
color: #eee;
.elegant .course_timeline h4, .elegant .unit_prevnext {
border: 1px solid #EFEFEF;
color: #EEEEE2;
margin: 0;
line-height: 2;
The new update fix the issue.