This is just a bug report. Should be fixed later

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  • #164297
    I was setting up certificate and noticed that it looked better when I do not have any width or height defined. However, if you leave those 2 empty, system will not allow you to print even if you have "Enable Print & PDF" enabled. System will not generate Image of certificate and there will be no popup on the right side of certificate to print or download certificate. Please note that "Disable Course Certificate image mode" is not checked. System will generate image for certificate and show print/download buttons as soon as I put width of any value.
    Anshuman Sahu
    Hi, This is required field for certificate in wplms. You have to set height and width of certificate. You can set dimensions in which you certificate looks fine. To avoid any kind of visual issue we make these fields required.
    I's should say "required" as there is no mention of that and someone could spend hours trying to figure why it's not working. What is recommended width and height for A4 size portrait certificate?   Thank you.
    Resolved...please close
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