Hi there!
Something weird is happening with my translation. I have a bad translation for the "Apply for Course" and I wish to update that translation. I did it first via Loco Translation but it did not work despite of I did sync the file, saved the translation and so on. I went to the .po file directory then and tried to update it via Poedit but the right string translation was already there. I wrote it again and saved both .po and .mo files and uploaded it. The translation is still not updating. I searched for the same string across the other .po files on the site but could not find it anywhere else besides on vibe-course-module.
Why is the translation not working? Thanks in advance!
See a print screen of the translation.
I will write this here since I am not sure the issue is related or not. If I click on the "Apply for course" button, I will be asked "Are you sure you want to remove this note?" - Did I mess up the config? How can this be fixed?
Thanks for sharing the credentials, I checked your website and found out that your website does not have wplms installed, refer: http://prntscr.com/dtnzus
There is no wplms theme in your themes directory can you please share the site url which have wplms theme installed and activated.
Also you can click on the image of the theme to check the correct version.
I am still having issues with translations. Like the string "Edit course". No matter on which .po file I change it, no matter how many times I change it, it always goes back to the unwanted translation. The image shows which button it is. How do I change it? :/