Translation issue in member page

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  • #74800
    Hi I used wplms in fa-IR language, and some parts of theme is translated, but there is some other parts that is not translated. i'm using LOCO TRANSLATE plugin to translate all PO files of themes and plugins, but I couldnt find these string of member page untranslated. (note that some of theme exist and translated, but it doesn't work in frontend). please help to resolve this issue. Thanks
    H.K. Latiyan
    Some of these strings comes from the wplms theme and others comes from the buddypress plugin, so try searching the strings in wplms theme and buddypress plugin to translate. For buddypress string translation you can refer this tip:
    Anshuman Sahu
    these are coming from buddypress plugin . Please translate the buddypress plugin for this . refer :
    I did it, but still nothing is changed. I'm using child theme, is it related?
    Anshuman Sahu
    No it is not . Please follow the same link to translate the buddypress . Buddypress translation is not related to wplms theme at all . Please check the correct path of the language  files as per described in that link .
    I changed the location of translation from plugins/buddypress/languages to the wp-content/languages/plugins and it works fine now. but still DRIVE is not translating in member page. I've also checked buddyDrive plugin and nothing found there.
    Anshuman Sahu
    Yep for that you need to translate the Buddydrive plugin . "drive" on the course page is coming from wplms theme whereas the drive on profile page is coming from buddydrive plugin . Make sure that your translation files are in the global languages folder .If you put them in your plugin folder they will disappear on update . check my last reply on this topic :
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