Transparent header Spacing issue

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  • #238723
    Hello, I'm having a problem with the header when I disable the page title and breadcrumbs, The page title and breadcrumbs hide but the spacing remains the same, refer: Page links: It happens with every single page where I try to hide page title and breadcrumbs,  
    Hello, if you hide the title but the container remains the same. that's the reason behind the extra space. it is not possible to identify the container has the content or not. so there is no solution. either hide the title for all pages or if you are hiding title for some pages then there will be a space. if we apply code to hide the container then it will work for all pages. pages with the title and pages without title all will be hidden. you could use this CSS. it will reduce some spaces that's all i can do for now: #title .pagetitle {padding-top: 0 !important;}
    Thank you so much, Can I set a condition where I disable the page title, on that page this CSS will work? Because I tried this, but this will disturb the Layout in All-courses Page  
    Dear, that is the case, we cant set the condition. that's what i tried to make you understand in above reply.
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