True False question graded incorrectly

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  • #14818
    Tim the Man!
    Hi, I have several quizzes that all work correctly except one.   It is a quick two questions quiz.   Both questions correct answers are "True" When it is graded they are both marked incorrect.   I noticed, different from other true and false questions I have in other quizzes, that these show the false option on top or first, before the true.   Somehow it has switched the text true and false, as a result I believe this is the issue with the grading.   But then again, in the quiz results it says I marked "True" on both.   The question answers are set with the correct answer value of 1 which i believe to be correct for "true" How do i fix this?  
    Anshuman Sahu
    Please note that in true/False question correct answer for the "true" is "1" and for "false" is "0" . It do not depends on the postion of the option. It will remain 0 for false and 1 for true always . Please check : Also  your question settings : I also noted that if you miss some step in new front end edit to save the quiz the quiz does not gets saved and also its question . Please confirm that the quiz settings are ok from the back end quiz edit page .  
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