Unable to Download WPLMS WooCommerce After Purchased

Home Forums WPLMS AddOns WPLMS WooCommerce Unable to Download WPLMS WooCommerce After Purchased

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  • #186397
    Hi, I have purchased WPLMS WooCommerce from your official site. Now I am unable to login and there is no option for download this at your official site ( https://wplms.io/ ). My login credentials are working fine at wplms.io but not working there. Kindly let me know how I can download this. http://vibethemes.com/downloads/wplms-woocommerce/
    Anshuman Sahu
    which payment method did you use to purchase , is it instamojo ? if yes then please email us at support@vibethemes.com with the receipt from instamojo .  
    Hi, I have paid using my PayPal and amount had been deducted at the suppot.
    @imranaliz Please share your Purchase receipt at support@vibethemes.com. We will help you
    Hi Diana, You are really annoying us. Is there any chat support or another way of communication. You are replying here approximately after one day. How I will send you the receipt while I am unable to log in there http://vibethemes.com/downloads/wplms-woocommerce/ . Is that our fault that we are not loging there? See in your orders I have placed the order there with same profile information that are here. Why you are not selling these things using ThemeForest to avoid such kind of troubles.
    Hi, Still didn't get any reply from your support and not here.
    1 minute checking...
    This is an automated process. When you purchase any addon the account is automatically created and an email is sent with the purchase download link and license key. Now, it is possible that the mail was marked as spam by your mail client, so please check the spam section as well. Unfortunately, I can not locate any payment from the mail id connected with your account at support or with the username in both paypal and wplms.io customers section. http://prntscr.com/lq1fbh The replies were delayed because of a weekend. Can you please share email or name or a screenshot using which I can give you the plugin and the license key ?   p.s : We've no intentions of annoying you, we want to resolve this as quickly as possible.
    Got it. resent the plugin and purchase reciept.   Please check your mail from vibethemes.com
    There are two email accounts connected with your user : zha**ran@gmail.com zaa***ali@gmail.com I have sent receipts to both.
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