Unable to edit "marks" on quiz

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  • #82313
    Hi, I'm having trouble editing the "marks" of the quizzes on one of my courses. The course is http://associatepi.com/course/cpcu-520-comprehensive-course/ I go into the admin section and edit each question, changing the "marks" if correct from 0 to 1. Then I hit save/save curriculum but it changes back to 0. Sometimes, even though admin shows 0 for the marks, the user still receives one point for the question. Not sure why, this only happens sometimes that even though the marks is "0" that the user receives 1 point. The main issues is i'm trying to set each question to a mark of 1 but it won't save. Could you please take a look and help?
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    H.K. Latiyan
    This is already a known issue and thanks for sharing the credentials, I have fixed the issue on your website and same will be available in next update. Now you can change the marks to 1 and save it.
    Hi, can you let me know what you changed? Site is down after the issue was fixed, can't access course or edit the course.
    H.K. Latiyan
    I checked your website it is working fine, its not down. The change that I made cannot effect your site in any manner, the change I made was to just change the is_string to isset in front end plugin->includes->class.generate_fields.php, refer: http://prntscr.com/ddmouu I checked your website after changing and it was working fine then and now also its working fine.
    Thank you for the update! Looks like it was some issue with the permalink
    H.K. Latiyan
    Thanks for the update, marking the topic as resolved and closing the topic.
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