I have followed all the steps shown in your WPLMS Live chat configuration video.
But when I am trying to add the database rules it is giving me an error - http://prntscr.com/kbc3zm
I have also tried with these rules
But still, it does not generate the database structure.
Please guide.
Also, when I add the database rule which is given on the WPLMS live chat setting page
{ "rules": { ".read": "auth != null", ".write":"auth != null", "notifications":{ ".indexOn":["status"] }, "users":{ "$uid":{ "chats":{ ".indexOn":["lastUpdated"] } } } } }
It gives me the same error http://prntscr.com/kbmfvu
Do we have to fill in any details when we create a project in Google Cloud Console?
Apologies for the delayed response here
Please chat us on facebook.com/vibethemes.
We will resolve your issue there. We will connect with you with the teamviewer
I have messaged on the facebook page but haven't received any reply since last 2 hours.
Are there any specific working hours for Facebook page support?
The plugin is now installed.
But I am getting a few errors in the Google Console - http://prntscr.com/kdamk1
Error -
"Error during service worker registration: TypeError: Failed to register a ServiceWorker: A bad HTTP response code (404) was received when fetching the script."
I am unable to send files, its getting stuck at 0%
Update - I am getting few more errors now - http://prntscr.com/kdovt3
The service worker issue has been fixed in the upcoming update of Chat plugin today or tomorrow.
Just make sure the Private key that you're adding in the LMS - Settings - Live - Chat does not have any double backslashes
Yes sure.
Will this also fix the file upload issue?
Please contact me at facebook.com/vibethemes and I can login to your firebase via teamviewer and fix issues.