Unable to send email from instructor form

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  • #39843
    [form to="master@testclue.com" subject="Instructor application Testclue"] [form_element type="text" validate="" options="" placeholder="Name"] [form_element type="text" validate="email" options="" placeholder="Email"] [form_element type="text" validate="numeric" options="" placeholder="Phone"] [form_element type="submit" validate="" options="" placeholder="Apply"] [/form]   We use this widget in out footer, the mail is valid. We receive this when trying to fill the form and test it. This first test here is screen shot: http://prntscr.com/am26j1 Here is the response: http://prntscr.com/am26ub  
    Anshuman Sahu
    Please check if all other emails are working in your site like . Wordpress new user registration mail to admin etc . Can you please try settings up site with wp mail smtp for this . Please refer: http://www.wpbeginner.com/plugins/how-to-send-email-in-wordpress-using-the-gmail-smtp-server/ and check this again ?
    Hi Alex, None of the forms on website work, they all give same error: http://prntscr.com/amro2f for now we would really want to use our internal server therefor we would have to debug the root cause issue, and understand why is not working under given conditions.
    As we run 2 instances one in dev one preparing for production, the dev instance works as designed: http://prntscr.com/amrow8 . How can we trac the one not working, and debug the issue? Should there be logs on the server side? Maybe some missing extensions?
    Anshuman Sahu
    Please note that we are using the core function of wordpress " wp_mail " which uses php mail() function by default. We check a flag prarameter to check if the email was sent successfully or not . If that fails then this error is returned . refer : http://prntscr.com/an3phz we also check in many cases all the parameter Header,to,message are generated and passed successfully in the mail function but wp_mail still is  not sending mail . We are also debugging this why this is happening so . Also can you please confirm if the Wordpress new user registration mail to admin email is sending out or not  . also check the buddypress activation emails ?
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