I like the hovering and the highlighting of active course. But how do I get the font-color of the unit/quiz titles that have been completed AND the ones that still have to be done the same?
screenshot I want it to be #3f3f3f
Please try this code. On hover it is changing to
.page-template .course_timeline li#unit_line:hover{color: #3f3f3f !important;}
Oh, I don't mean when hovering. I mean the standard color. It now is different for units that are completed. I want units/quizzes completed and the others that still have to be started/finished to be the same; #3f3f3f
It is now #444
Please add the below Custom css code to
Wp-admin > Appearance > Customation > Ccustom css > publish
.elegant .course_timeline li>a {
color: #3f3f3f !important;
Great Ava. You can close this one as well. :)
Thanks for confirming. closing this topic.