Upgrade help

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  • #379632
    Anshuman Sahu
    Well the marks can be seen here : https://prnt.sc/26r5eu4 the same is at the assignments. Results and more details on the quiz/assinments shifted to my quizzes and my assignments . We did not removed anything just shifted some things
    Hi Okay Understand, so means the old view from wplms v3 for result tab not possible to have on wplms v4? if posible and requires customization just let me know how much would that cost, but if that is not possible to view the result tab similar to wplms v3 then you could close this topic. Thank you so much for the support.
    Anshuman Sahu
    Im sorry for that it will take much of a custom code and we dont have that much resources right now . Closing the topic .
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