User Registration issues

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  • #97921
    I have got following issues when setup user registration
    1. i need do manual approval for instructors and auto approval for students
    2. After creating custom registration form after submitting the data still reaming in all fields
    3. Instructor profile can't show custom information after choose option see everyone option
    Awaiting your reply as soon as possible
    Anshuman Sahu
    1. well in back end of custom registration we are running buddypress and buddypress does not provide such option to hold registration for approval .So as of now this is not available .Please create a feature request for this in feature request forums . 2. yup as of now it remains in fields .In next update we will be adding fix for this to clear the data . 3. Well Instructor profile field group does not shows to the users . you need to put "****" in your wp-admin -> wplms -> buddypress -> instructor profile field group to disable this :
    Anshuman Sahu
    instructor profile : i created some custom fields the problem that created custom fields not show in public profile and i already set put everyone option and <label for="allow-custom-visibility-disabled">Enforce field visibility so still did not show the information on public so how to fix this </label>
    Anshuman Sahu
    Well please try moving these custom profile fields in "Base" profile field group in your wp-admin-> users -> profile fields  .
    so i will show for all user know ? student and instructors because i need separate custom field for each user so how to do this? because user registration is very important so i need quick support otherwise i loosed my registration
    Anshuman Sahu
    Well by default intructor profile field group is not visible to all users . So students cannot see profile information in instructor profile field group . You can make user to redirect to more detailed instrcutor profile page by using this tip :
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