Variable Pricing option

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  • #2544
    What is the progress on the request for variable pricing as proposed at This is a standard feature on most retail sites. As shown in this example: Example: If buying a shirt, you would follow these steps:
    1. select a design (similar to buying a WPLMS course),
    2. you then select your size (course option 1, such as age group or grade level), and
    3. you select a color (course option 2, such as course difficulty level).
    The price with selected options is then displayed and you add to your shopping cart. Can we do the same in WPLMS/WooCommerce? Please?! Options could be displayed in sidebar widget on each course details page, as in my Photoshopped design suggestion below: Thanks. Tim Chambers
    Awesome! I will be purchasing it today. Will it work for the example I've given in the previous post above? Thanks :)
    Definitely, check out the videos shared in above link.
    Mr Vibe, We are about to add videos bonus lessons to one of our courses. 1. How can we add this extra bonus video lessons as a variable price and make it automatically available upon payment? 2. For the current students that paid already lets say $75, how can we offer the bonus for $25 and give instant access to the extra lessons for them? 2.1 And would be possible to give a special coupon code for the current students of this specific course purchase just this bonus? Many thanks for you great effort to make WPLMS one of the best online themes on the market :) Gustavo
    Hi Mr Vibe and team, here is my revision of the previous questions, We are about to add videos bonus lessons to one of our courses. 1. How can we add this extra bonus video lessons as a variable price and make it automatically available upon payment? 2. For the current students who already paid, lets say $75, how can we offer the additional bonus for $25? 2.1 And would be possible to give a special coupon code for the current students to purchase the bonus lessons? 3. Would be possible to sell the course ($75) plus the bonus ($25) together for $80 (bundle with discount)? Many thanks
    These are long answers to I'll post them in new replies. Answer to 1 : Possible, however you'll need to know the ID of the variable product which is formed by WooCommerce. We have a shortcode called " sell_content" which requires so, if you want your users can only access the unit if they purchase a particular option in variable pricing plugin then add the content of the unit in: [sell_content product_id="xx"] Premium unit content [/sell_content]   The variable product ID is visible here :
    Thanks Mr. Vibe! Not sure if I understood very well, but I think so. 1.1 If we create a new woocommerce product for the bonus, how can we hide it from our "shop list" and have only as an extra drop down menu option in the actual course? 1.2 We need to give like 40 new units with videos inside it. On that case we need to include these codes in each unit? [sell_content product_id="xx"] 1.3 What do you mean by: " Premium unit content [/sell_content]" ? 1.4 Where we should place these codes? Many thanks for your help! :)
    1.1 The variations are only visible in product page and the Course page. Conditional display may not possible. 1.2,1.3 : 40 units is a big number. But yes, the above trick should work perfectly. Premium content means any content like embedded videos or images or text. Basically any text inside it would be visible to users who have purchased the product, whose ID you've mentioned in the shortcode. 1.4 : Right in the content. I'll answer the 2.x in 15-30 minutes.
    2. Additional Bonus to students who already paid $75 : For this you'll need third party plugins which can achieve this automatically. There are several plugins which you can try example   Or simply use custom like like this and auto-apply discount code in user's cart. add_action('woocommerce_before_cart_table', 'discount_when_already_pruchased_product_XXX'); function discount_when_already_pruchased_product_XXX { global $woocommerce; // Check if PRODUCTXXX purchased $user_id = get_current_user_id(); $product_id = XXX; //previous product ID which user purchased for ourse. $check = wc_customer_bought_product('',$user_id,$product_id); if( $check ) { $coupon_code = 'UNIQUECODE'; // Coupon code which you want to apply. if (!$woocommerce->cart->add_discount( sanitize_text_field( $coupon_code ))) { $woocommerce->show_messages(); } echo '<div class="woocommerce_message"><strong>Welcome back, since you already purchased the product YYY, XX% Discount has been Applied!</strong></div>'; } }
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