Hello Scott,
I've already installed and activated the theme 4.2.
I have had created 2 courses as demo, so it's not problem to me to start everything with the new version 4.2.
The problem is that when I go to "Install Required Plugins" (for my recent version of theme 4.2) and I try installing VibeBP and WPLMS...I get the message:
"This theme requires the following plugins: VibeBP and WPLMS." I click to install these plugins, but then it says: "Download error. Forbidden."
I've also tried to install VibeBP and WPLMS the plugins individually (WPLMS first, then VibeBP second) but I get the same Download error.
https://prnt.sc/tmdg0a <-----I want VibeBP and WPLMS plugins installed, I have already installed and activated theme version 4.2
I will give you my FTP in my next message in private reply.