I've created the registration page which has a login as well. So what I want to achieve is, if the user doesn't logged in, and clicks on 'vibebp-login class' login button of nav bar. It should redirect to registration page otherwise to the course dashboard. Please help thanks
This is not possible. what you can do is create a buddypress single page and connect it in vibebp>>settings
Then when user clicks on login button from the header and if they are not logged-in then loginpopup will open there you can connect a register page and if user is already loggedin they will be redirected to pwa section.
Because when I click on login then it opens a popup and then suddenly the page refreshes and shows login on a page. There is a redundancy occurring so I wanted to avoid that.
For this issue disable global login and then check.
Disable and check but the same issue. Not showing the popup.
hi @Rohitbyahut
please check @Ada's first reply and also please create your own topic as we can't continue on someone's topic
I've disabled global login still the same behavior. Please help.
Please check your site now.
I have added a code here in appearance>>customize>>custom css'
Now it's not loading two times.
Could you please redo the same process? I've updated the theme and it is not working.
Oh since the recent update, those css codes are not longer necessary. I've removed it and the login part is working fine now.
Okay, that's a good news. :)
SO as the issue is resolved. I am closing this topic.