hello, i want to add the courses carousel to the homepage using visual composer, but it seems very bad, can you help me?
you could use either wp-bakery or elementor to design the course carousel block. for the styling thing we could give you some extra css codes.
let me know your thoughts.
** for better support please share screenshots.
It is a kind request, Please go through the :
- WPLMS Documentation : http://vibethemes.com/envato/wplms/documentation/
- WPLMS Youtube Videos : https://www.youtube.com/user/VibeThemes/videos
- WPLMS Forums : http://vibethemes.com/documentation/wplms/forums/
- You will get most of the answers there.
Also if you have queries
Create separate topics for the separate issues.
- Please elaborate them.
- Give proper steps to replicate the issue.
- Please provide proper screenshot, use https://prnt.sc/ to upload and share url of the screenshot.
- If you want to send us a video of the issue, use https://screencast-o-matic.com/ to upload and share url of the video.