- General Settings -> minify creating problem in whole site.
If I enable this Minify then User Dashboard "Contact Members" widget not works. I was unable to send message to anyone.
After disabling this Minify everything works well.
- Can I enable Database Cache in General Settings ? I have VPS server. Xcache is enabled in my server. It is safe or not ?
Which one I should enable Database cache or Object cache ? If it is safe to use.
1. Well the issues with the minification is dependent on site by site and the plugins that you are using .
You need to exclude some scripts from minification and check if the issue appears .
Continue this process to find out which plugin script is causing problem when minification is done .
2.& 3. Seems like the Xcache is same as the object cache which we recommends .So there should be no problem with Xcache .
If there is already Xcache enabled from server then you should not enable the object cache .
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As the problem is with the w3 total caching .This seems to be problem with the how it is minifying the js files .
You can check deactivating the third party plugins with the minification enabled ,then you are getting the issues with minification .
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It is very simple.Just three simple steps to repeat :
1. just deactivate a plugin
2. enable minification
3. then check if the issue appears ?
Repeat above steps with each third party pluign until you find the plugin which script is causing issues .
Thanks for the info this helped me a lot too. Divide and conquer those 3rd party plugins! Also, which performance enhancement plugin best suites the WPLMS theme?