What are "Top Footer Sidebar" and "Bottom Footer Sidebar"?

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  • #8088
    Hi. I am in Dashboard > WPLMS > Customizer > Body > Widgets and I see options for "Top Footer Sidebar" and "Bottom Footer Sidebar". Can you explain what these are, where they are, their styling options, and how to implement them? Is this setting different from going to Appearance > Menus > Manage Locations tab > Footer Menu? Are there tutorials for these? Thanks for clarifying and guiding!
    Anshuman Sahu
    Please refer : http://prntscr.com/929jw5
    Seek and you shall find...eventually. I learned that the footer has two locations for settings:
    1. Dashboard > WPLMS > Footer. This is where you decide on the number of columns you want in your footer(s). You can also add custom text (e.g. your copyright statement) below the footers. Can't add content here, though. That's in item #2 below.
    2. Dashboard > Appearance > Widgets. This is where you can click on a widget, select "Top/Lower Footer Sidebar" and then on the right side of the page you'll see "Top Footer Sidebar" and "Lower Footer Sidebar" drop-downs to see the widgets that you have inserted. The dropdown menus in each have options.
    Hope this helps save others time searching for how to add content to your footers. :)
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