Can somebody explain to me what the feature "enable/disable ajax" means? That are the pros/cons of each option? Which additional plugins will benefit from disabling it? I read that Visual Composer will work better but it seems that VC work without disabling ajax anyway? What difference will make if I disable ajax?
Whenever you click on unit in course timeline by default,it loads the units using ajax, so disabling ajax loads unit by refreshing the complete page.
This option(disabling ajax) can be used if you wish to use third party plugins like Visual composer,layer slider (not compatible with ajax) in unit pages.
Let us know if this helps.
So, theoretically if ajax is used the load of the page with the unit must be faster compared with the same page if the ajax is disabled.
As I understand it, if I use VC on static pages (like landing pages, our services pages, etc.) and don't enable and use it in units (creating lesson pages with VC), then I don't need to disable ajax. Right? If I want to create the units using VC, then it's better that I disable ajax.
What about the situation when I have built the "Course Status" page with VC (see here:
Which method is better for performance: 1) Disable ajax and use VC on units or 2) Build <span style="line-height: 1.5;">"Course Status" page with VC?</span>
This confuses me also, I us VC on most of my pages and in the Units and have been having a problem with some of my LMS quizzes, units etc.. that no one can figure out. I don't even know what ajax is but If I use any VC in a unit then Ajax should be disabled????
You can create the course status page with the aax as the pages i loaded when user clicks on the start or continue course button and can remain the ajax enabled in course .
But if you use visual composer then you should use the disable ajax feature .
However with the ajax some light elements of the visual composer sometimes works .But for the complex elements to function properly specially the elemets generated by the VC addons fails to load properly with the ajax .