When you'll release a new version with updated eventon (with google maps working)
How can I setup the event_directory to be as the one in demo3? I'm using demo1 with the following shortcode [add_eventon_dv show_et_ft_img="yes" ft_event_priority="yes" ]
Yep it is safe to update all these plugins to the latest .
We have our demo setups working fine with all latest versions of the plugins .
1. Yep you seems to be correct Maps are not showing in events .
This seems to be an issue from eventon plugin itself .
We will report this to the Eventon plugin .
Thanks for pointing this .
2. We are using this shortcode in our events directory page :
[add_eventon_dv cal_id="1" ][add_eventon_list number_of_months="12" event_count="3" show_limit="no" month_incre="+1" ]
Thanks for your superfast answer .
1) Could be related with "ADDED: Support to include google maps API key" in EventOn 2.4.3 changelog?
2) So your events directory in demo3 is a combination of two shortcodes. Now I understand :)
P.S. didn't asked before, is also safe to update wordpress to the latest version?
Thanks again :D