I'm making some corrections and improvements in the translation to PT-BR of WMPLMS and Vibe-Course-Module plugin.
How can I contribute with WPLMS team, sharing my changes to do them appear in the next updates?
Also, I'm afraid to loose my changes with a new update of the theme. What can I do?
If you want to protect all translations, you can put all translated files inside:
wp-content/languages/plugins/.po & .mo files translated
wp-content/languages/.po & .mo files
That way you can update WPLMS & WPLMS plugins without losing the files translated on update process.
Another thing is keep a copy of all files translated in another place, out of your production server or development place.
Can you share the files?
I can help you with PT-BR files, I use the brazilian version too.
I made a script to save all translated files. I set a cron job on my server and all files are automatically saved in another place.
You can modify and adjust for your case:
But if I put the translation files in those folders, won't it be replaced in a update?
Yes I can share my files, but I'm still working with them. I also would like to share my pt-br files with WPLMS team, because there are several mistakes in the translation. I think it would be good fixing that translation mistakes.
Can you add me on facebook or skype? We can talk better in Portuguese. My facebook is: http://www.facebook.com/gabriel.vinicios.9028
Thank you!
I don't have a Facebook account, but I have a Skype account.
My Skype name: david.medeiros.714