WP-Mail-SMTP Does not override BuddyPress

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  • #144411
    I'm really at a loss here. My site's emails keep getting sent to spam, particularly on MS Exchange. The main issue is that the reply-to email doesn't match my send email. Per the advice of my host and many forums, I've installed/configured WP-Mail-SMTP with SendGrid. This plugin has the simple check box to match reply-to with sender. However, my site will not use the plugin; the BuddyPress settings (in LMS-settings-email) continue to override and cause emails (new registration, password reset) to go straight to spam. Please help!
    Anshuman Sahu
    \Please try adding from name and email in your lms -> settings -> emails -> email options . Let  me know if this helps .Also try using the wp mandrill plugins (a mailchimp product now), before buying it please contact them about the spamming problems.
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