WPLMS 4.0 Update not working

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  • #298319
    I have followed the instructions in video and tried to upgrade wo wplms 4.07, but nothing looks like in video, I see no messages about plugins to deactivate or activate, no notification is provided. I am using the one instructor theme. Also the wizzard isnt working properly, after I give my envato name, it goes to next step and then again wants the name, and this continues all the time. Can you please login into my site and do the update for me? Thanks in advance! (We have already created a backup)
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    hi, please check this if installing fresh wplms4:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KTT2a-L3F8o if you are updating the theme then follow: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q_x-HOMItL8 please make sure that you have followed the tip properly NOTE: we never suggest any user go for such a big update on the running site with live users if you have live users on your site with running course then I suggest you to please first implement the same on the testing site and update the same on running site. you can create staging/testing site and can perform the update there then apply the changes on your live site never forgot to take the backup of your live site before making changes. NOTE: if you run the setup wizard it will automatically make changes according to its need but if you want to apply the styling of your present site skip the steps regarding the styling/demo.
    Veronica, as I said, we have followed the video, but its not working, thats why I provided you with login credentionals. And as I already said - backup is created. Please login and check why isnt it updated. The answer you gave me has been tried - not working.
    You have the credentionals. Can you please start reacting and do smth about all the mistakes we get? We were finally able to switch to 4.0 and now we get lots of errors and messed up site. Also translations are missing: https://www.loom.com/share/e4adc4fd8c0a4120ac42e1ad22da9d6f
    Can you please check why isnt h5p showing inside the courses. I have h5p and wplms h5p plugins installed. You have the credentionals. Here is a video: https://www.loom.com/share/5e91024693e54ad489dd5a545c25048e
    hi, i have checked your site the plugins are deactivated which they have to be and also update the theme to 4.080 which was released yesterday in the setup wizard first, you need to select the instructor here and after that, you can continue as you have authenticated here http://prntscr.com/u7b2l0 you can continue you setup if you have run the setup wizard then it will not show the notifications it will automatically perform the same all settings are working on your site as I have checked them you can add dashboard widget here http://prntscr.com/u7b48f from here


    and for translation translation will be lost if you have not performed it in the global folder

    please make sure that you have created the topic in translation section for the translation-related queries there you will get the accurate solution

    it’s a request if you have more than one query please create new topics for them. we follow one topic for one single query because it helps us to understand the requirement better, to avoid confusion and faster resolution. because more query creates more confusion in this topic, I am checking installation relater query thanks for understanding the same
    PLEASE ANSWER MY QUESTION ABOUT H5p not working. I am getting pretty frustrated of updating without getting a result of working site. Why are h5p not working?
    Anshuman Sahu
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    Thanks Alex, this helped but there are some other problem with units. If there is a video in the unit it is appearing really small and after the h5p, not before, see: https://www.loom.com/share/8612e8afd33c498cab035dcec8bb8b62
    Anshuman Sahu
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    will do. But there is another problem with adding video now in the new versions. - None of your option for youtube/vimeo/embedding work. See video https://www.loom.com/share/312798ef81c348aa84e1787d3cffa248
    Anshuman Sahu
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    In my video I showed you that none of the options work, will you please fix it.
    Anshuman Sahu
    For vimeo please follow : https://screencast-o-matic.com/watch/cYQVo4Hjjy i have corrected that please check now .
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