I bought wplms app from code canyon and follow the instruction to create wplms app for my site. but when I remove the ionic src file. I got this message https://prnt.sc/10nihbf
+ wplms app ionic_src zip file has src file (inside ionicz_src) https://prnt.sc/10ninen (which one I use? ionic_src folder or only src folder that located inside ionic_src folder
Dear User,
THis is theme support forum, for app related queries post here: https://wplms.io/forums/forum/app-support/
I have created a ticket :) but didn't get any answer
Can you please share the link?
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well you have to replace the src folder with src folder provided in zipped file.
When i changed src folder to wplms src and i got this error https://prnt.sc/10rv5hq
ionic serve not worked after changing src folder to wplms src folder
I tried with thsese command npm install @ionic/app-scripts@latest --save-dev
npm rebuild node-sass
Not working. Please give me soluation
DEar User,
Please continue on app support forum
https://prnt.sc/10s87s0 I tried to continue. but I could not
replied on the topic. Please share detials.
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