WPLMS Gift Course addon

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  • #199422
    The “gift this course” button does not appear automatically after activated the addon, and here is the setting of this addon (screenshot: https://snag.gy/89M6YO.jpg). At the beginning, I used the demo 12 layout and activated the addon, but the button hadn't appeared (screenshot: https://snag.gy/nHvNrt.jpg). I then switched to demo 10 and tried to change to other course layouts. However, none of these actions made the button appear.
    Anshuman Sahu
    Moved to gift course forums : https://wplms.io/support/forums/forum/wplms-addons/gift-courses/  please try adding this custom css in your wp-admin -> appearance -> customize -> custom css : #title.light a.gift_course_button{ color:#444 !important; }
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    Scott Lang
    It is just hide , refer this: http://prntscr.com/muynh4 We have fixed the issue : http://prntscr.com/muzjxq
    Thank you, but the layout becomes strange (screenshot: https://snag.gy/8asHzM.jpg) 1) 2) The fix breaks the layout. 3) I can't see the gift button unless I zoomed the webpage to 75% or less. Could you please also tell me the changes made so that I can fix the similar problem in the future setup?
    Scott Lang
    Here : http://prntscr.com/mv0eyu customizer -> custom css You can change color in cutomizer css, or you can change font property using this     #title.light #item-header a:not(.button){ color:#000 !important; font-size: 22px; }  
    Scott Lang
    It works when screen size is less than 75 % refer this : http://prntscr.com/mv0g3s
    1. The problem is that the title in black is difficult to see, but I can't change it to white colour because this will hide the gift button. This does not make sense if they are dependent to each other. In other words, how can I decouple the styling of the title and the gift button?
    2. The screenshots below show the view under 100% screen size of both Firefox and Chrome on my 15-inch PC. https://snag.gy/qvuFaK.jpg https://snag.gy/BV7yzx.jpg You will see that that I am not able to find the gift button by default. I have to zoom the screen from 100% to 75% in order to see the button.
    Scott Lang
    Yes we have given the solution above where you can change the styling of gift-course button easily. use this ->

    customizer -> custom css

    You can change color in cutomizer css, or you can change font property

    using this

    #title.light #item-header a:not(.button){

    color:#000 !important;

    font-size: 22px;


        Also for finding gift course button this is at the end of take_course . You can find this sliding down to bottom
    1. Sorry this is NOT the solution. I wanted to change the font colour of the title ONLY, which is the colour of "HOME / COURSE / TECHNOLOGY" on the previous screenshot. However, your CSS code will change the font colour and size of both this title AND GIFT BUTTON. This means that if I change the title to white, the font of gift button will change to white as well. As a result, the button will be hided under the white background. In case you still don't understand, I wanted to (a) change the title font to white colour with size 14px, (b) change the font of gift button to black colour with size 24px.
    2. Off course I know I can find the button at the bottom of the website, but this is not what I wanted to achieve. How can I change the size of course summary box (https://snag.gy/4xy3rv.jpg) to fit the screen size, so that I can click the gift button WITHOUT moving the screen down to the bottom?
    Scott Lang
    Yes we know you can find it at the bottom We will give you response please give us time to check
    Any updates?
    Scott Lang
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    This reply has been marked as private.
    Scott Lang
    Refer this : http://prntscr.com/n46na6 we have fixed that you can also change your color. By changing color code: http://prntscr.com/n46nwt
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