WPLMS H5P Plugin

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  • #195209
    Detectar idioma Afrikáans Albanés Alemán Amárico Árabe Armenio Azerbaiyano Bengalí Bielorruso Birmano Bosnio Búlgaro Canarés Catalán Cebuano Checo Chino (simplificado) Chino (tradicional) Cingalés Coreano Corso Criollo haitiano Croata Danés Eslovaco Esloveno Español Esperanto Estonio Euskera Finés Francés Frisón occidental Gaélico escocés Galés Gallego Georgiano Griego Guyaratí Hausa Hawaiano Hebreo Hindi Hmong Húngaro Igbo Indonesio Inglés Irlandés Islandés Italiano Japonés Javanés Jemer Kazajo Kirguís Kurdo Lao Latín Letón Lituano Luxemburgués Macedonio Malayalam Malayo Malgache Maltés Maorí Maratí Mongol Neerlandés Nepalí Noruego Nyanja Panyabí Pastún Persa Polaco Portugués Rumano Ruso Samoano Serbio Shona Sindhi Somalí Sotho meridional Suajili Sueco Sundanés Tagalo Tailandés Tamil Tayiko Telugu Turco Ucraniano Urdu Uzbeko Vietnamita Xhosa Yidis Yoruba Zulú Español </div> </div>
    Some time ago I was using H5p through the plugin for Worpress. I recently purchased WPLMS and installed the plugin that links them: WPLMS H5P plugin.
    I can insert H5P content in the units and it works, but when I add it as one more question in the quiz, it remains blank. The funny thing is that the H5p content appears in the results check.
    Can you help me. It is very necessary to integrate my battery of H5p content within the courses.
    Thank you.
    </div> </div>
    I can insert H5P content in the units and it works, but when I add it as one more question in the quiz, it remains blank. The funny thing is that the H5p content appears in the results check. Can you help me. It is very necessary to integrate my battery of H5p content within the courses. Thank you.
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