WPLMS Integration with Amazon S3

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  • #106349
    Hi, we purchased your WPLMS S3 and S3 Media Maestro, but we are currently facing this issue: the video appears as shortcode instead of video player. 01 We go here: http://prnt.sc/ev6kae 02 Then we see this: http://prnt.sc/ev6kc7 03 Now we head to the admin dashboard: http://prnt.sc/ev6kqs , is something wrong or missing with the short code? How do we solve this issue?
    Anshuman Sahu
    ok i checked your screenshots and found that the shortcode you are using to show videos is not a wplms s3 shortcode .wplms s3 shortcode starts like this : [wplms_s3 duration="5" parameter="60" file="test/test.mp4"] Please check out the video of wplms s3 plugin : http://vibethemes.com/downloads/wplms-s3/ If you want to use that shortcode then please try disabling ajax from wp-admin => lms-> settings : http://prntscr.com/evkl8o
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