I use "WooCommerce Subscriptions" and "WPLMS WooCommerce Subscription Integration" plugins. When I set a course price based on subscription, the product added by WPLMS in WooCommerce is a "Simple Product" instead of a "Simple Subscription". And that why the payments are not recurring.
Can you please help with an updated version of your plugin?
Yes this would be an issue in your case , you are editing using the front end course editor pricing settings .
Please set the pricing of the course by editing the product in backend.
From front end we are forcefully setting the product to simple , virtual and downloadable .
I did it. Now I remarked that in the "View Order" page (eg. members/adi78/shop/orders/view-order/669/) there is a subsection "Related subscriptions" which has a "View" button. The url for that button is "members/adi78/shop/view-subscription/671/", but it redirects to "/all-courses/". :(
Are you using any plugin to show the woocommerce myaccount in buddypress profile ?
Please share your site url and admin credentials in private reply to check this up .
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I solved the issue. I switched off "WC4BP -> WooCommerce BuddyPress Integration" plugin and I installed "Buddy Commerce" plugin.
Best regards,
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