WPLMS WooCommerce plugin- want to buy…cart not working?

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  • #11707
    Hi- I'm excited about the new, long-awaited WPLMS WooCommerce plugin.  I don't know if we had a hand in seeing that come about or in the design of it (see our original posts at http://support.vibethemes.com/support/tickets/1256 and at https://wplms.io/support/forums/topic/variable-pricing-option/), but this is great news! Thanks for making this happen! Okay, I went to purchase the plugin, but the "Add to Cart" buttons are not responding, and FYI, there are two identical "Add to Cart" buttons there. See your plugin page at http://www.vibethemes.com/downloads/wplms-woocommerce/. Ready to roll when you are. :)  
    Anshuman Sahu
    Thanking for reporting this.We are fixing the ad to cart buttons . Please check it after few hours it would be fixed .
    FYI- there are two Add to Cart buttons on your plugin page. The top one simply links back to the same page. Only the bottom one takes you to the shopping cart. Also, did I have any part in helping create this plugin? (See my previous posts about variable pricing, including design comps, method suggestions, etc.). If so, would you be willing to give me a permanent license to the plugin? :) Thanks! (see our original posts at http://support.vibethemes.com/support/tickets/1256 and at https://wplms.io/support/forums/topic/variable-pricing-option/)
    Plugin is free, the support and updates have yearly subscription. You can purchase it from the button taking you to the cart page while we are trying to fix the issue. Hope this clarifies.
    Ok, that helps. :) Where do I obtain the free plugin download? If I can catch you right now, today, and get this info asap, that would be awesome. :) Thanks again for your quick replies and help.
    First year support is mandatory.
    Ok, gotcha. That makes sense- purchase and get one year free support, then plugin is free after that (but no updates unless paid again). Got it. Thanks
    URGENT... Hi. I am still have problems with the simple process of purchasing your Woo-WPLMS plugin at http://www.vibethemes.com/checkout and http://www.vibethemes.com/checkout/?payment-mode=paypal. There are still two "Add to cart" buttons (the top one doesn't work, just refreshes the page- see screenshot below) at http://www.vibethemes.com/downloads/wplms-woocommerce/, and the purchase form isn't working for me. There is a box for entering the username/password, but it isn't accepting my Vibethemes Forum account u/p (that I use for this website). I also tried entering my PayPal u/p, and that didn't work, either. If you're requesting another u/p for some other account, then it would be helpful to have that stated so users know what u/p you're looking for. See attached screenshot. Can you send me the plugin so I can get started? We've been trying to do this for a week.  I can pay later, but at least allow us to get this installed so we can keep moving along. Thanks for your help and understanding. Tim
    Also, FYI, I went to http://www.vibethemes.com/account/ and tried to login with my current and past p/u credentials but nothing is recognized. Yet, I am logged in now and can login to this site easily with no problems. Not sure why the other page won't recognize my login info. Hope this helps you solve the issue. Let me know if I can help or test in any way. Again, if you wouldn't mind sending the Woo-WPLMS plugin so I can get it installed on our school's site until you get this fixed, that would be very nice. :) Tim
    Hi, Can you please try to buy the plugin now, we have fixed the issue. 1. Go to download page, add the plugin into the cart. 2. Fill your details: email, first name, last name. Make sure to check on terms and conditions 3. Click on Purchase 4. Add your details.   Let us know if this helps.
    Hi. It's working better, but there is another issue. Not sure if it's your preferences or PayPal, but PayPal won't let me use my PayPal balance to pay, but said this payment must be by e-check (bank account instead of PayPal account). Is this due to your settings or PayPal's?
    No. It seems to be working fine on our setup. It can be related to your paypal account settings.Try contacting paypal on this.
    1. The cart would not allow a multiple purchase of both plugins. 2. After purchasing the Amazon S3 plugin, the cart will not accept a second transaction under my account. Message it gives: Sorry, you already have an active subscription and may not purchase a second one.
    Thanks for letting us know. We will check and update you soon. Also let us know how many copies you wish to purchase.
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