Wrong title with change course slug

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  • #37016
    Hi, With 2.0.6 you fixed the bug "Permalinks not working when “course” slug changed". I changed the course slug now and it is working. The Url is fine but now the title of the page is "Seite nicht gefunden" (Site not found) and no longer the title of the course. Here both variations. 1) Installation with default permalink settings: http://www.bibelstudienkolleg.de/course/korintherbrief-auslegen/ 2) Test Installation with changed slug settings: http://wp1061218.server-he.de/bsk2016/seminare/korintherbrief-auslegen/   I hope you can see the bug and get it <span style="color: #464e90; font-family: Arial, Verdana, sans-serif; font-size: 11.832px; line-height: 19px; background-color: #fffdf8;"> </span>reproduced.
    Anshuman Sahu
    Unable to replicate the issue : http://prntscr.com/agpckv Please share admin credentials to check the issue at your end . PS : mark reply as private while sharing the credentials .
    Hi Alex, User: vibe pw: gtILkskuO4lrHfQxwCz)!b7! <b>http://wp1061218.server-he.de/bsk2016/wp-admin/</b> Thx for your help
    Anshuman Sahu
    I checked you site . Please note following points . Have you added any code to change the slugs in wplms from this tip : https://wplms.io/support/knowledge-base/changing-slugs-in-wplms/ Please note that form version 1.9.8 we added slugs option in the permalinks section and if there is some code added to change the slugs that will conflict with the permalinks and ultimately to the pages in site . Also i found that your permalinks settings are not changing . I am trying to select the custom Base option in course permalink but it is not saving and is always selecting the course directory option . refer : http://prntscr.com/ah4goc Please check your server settings (contact webhost) So please check you customizations in the child theme . You can check if this is coming from your child theme customizations by switching to the default theme . I also found that there are more than one wplms theme in yout themes folder . Please place only one wplms theme in your themes . Duplicate wplms themes in themes folder may lead to conflicts .
    Hi Alex, thank you for the tips. I found no code from the first tip to change the slugs. I deactivated the child theme and deleted the old versions of wpmls but this changed nothing. I think I have to ask my customer which functions are included in the webserver. Maybe there is a limitation to the htaccess file. Could be this the problem?
    Anshuman Sahu
    I checked your site again and found that your course directory is "seminare" and the course slug is also  "seminare" .This is creating conflicts with the .htaccess file . I created a new page in your site called " All seminare" adn assigned this page as course directory page in buddypress pages settings and this fixed the issue . Please check .  
    Hi Alex, thank you for this fix. It works now. Not exactly how I want it but its ok. Better than an english slug on a german page.
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