Hi, I purchased the Gift Course addon so users can buy course for another users. However, I can't gift the same Course to more than 1 user. When the product is available in the cart, I can't purchase it for myself or another person.
Is there any way to allow purchase the same course to multiple people ?
Thank you
You mean Gifted course should be allowed to be purchased by multiple people?
No sir, this is not possible
I mean a person can buy the same course and send to multiple people
Or when a user buys a course for himself, he can buy for another person in 1 cart. For example, I have clients looking to buy a course for the whole family of 4 people. Does he need to buy it 4 times, or can he buy that course for all 4 at the same time ?
Currently it is not available.You can buy course for single user at a time.
Could you please make an update for it ?
Just removing the limitation of only 1 course in the same cart would help a lot. It doesn't make any sense at all to have this limitation when you have the gift course plugin
Same course can not added again but different course can refer this:
This restriction is added so than student can only buy one course one time.
Yes I understand. But this restriction doesn't make sense. I have only 1 main class people will buy the most, people often buy for their family. This restriction makes it almost useless for my case. I hope you can consider my request to remove this restriction.
Refer this Woocomerce setting :
This setting is use to only allow one of this item to be bought in a single order
Hi, how may I get there ?
I go to woo commerce -> Settings -> products and see no option like that
You will see this setting in
wp-admin>All products :
Then select the
course product and edit the
product page. https://prnt.sc/t9kh3g
You will see this setting: