There are 2 places where you need to remove instructor from displaying in Courses:
1. Removing the Instructor Information from Single Course / Course Directory
Following are steps to achieve this:
0. Install the WPLMS Customizer plugin.
1. Go to Location : wp admin -> plugins -> editor -> wplms customizer -> customizer_class.php
2. Locate the function : _construct
3. Add the below line in it:
add_filter('wplms_display_course_instructor',array($this,'wplms_display_course_instructor'),1,2); add_filter('wplms_display_course_instructor_avatar',array($this,'wplms_display_course_instructor_avatar'),1,2);
4. Now add the following functions at the bottom of the class:
function wplms_display_course_instructor($instructor_title,$course_id=NULL){ $instructor_title=''; return $instructor_title; } function wplms_display_course_instructor_avatar($instructor_avatar,$course_id=NULL){ $instructor_avatar=''; return $instructor_avatar; }
To show any other information in its place you can simply, add some custom html in $instructor_title and $instructor_avatar.
2. Removing the Instructor information form the Course Thumbnails
1. Go to Location : wp admin -> plugins -> editor -> wplms customizer -> customizer_class.php
2. Locate the function : _construct
3. Add the below line in it:
function vibe_thumb_instructor_meta($instructor_meta,$featured_style=NULL){ $instructor_meta=''; return $instructor_meta; }