Hi All, I am having problem with woocommerce buttons too. On Product page button text color turns white on hover, couldn't find the right css to fix it. Could you help me with that?
Site is here
Thank you.
@canyasa: As it is a very old topic so please create your own topic if you face any issue for faster response and better understanding.
Try using this css in your wp-admin->appearance->customize->custom css:
.minimal.woocommerce .shop_products .products a.add_to_cart_button.ajax_add_to_cart:hover {color: #444;}
@canyasa: The code worked fine on your site because now when I tried to see your shop page I couldn't replicate the issue, refer: http://screencast-o-matic.com/watch/cD1X6EiD2C
Please try clearing the browser cache and then check.
Since this is a very old topic and already resolved, so closing the topic.
If you face any issue then please create a new topic.
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