We are currently over 300+ courses, and want to integrate Elastic Search into our environment, to speed up search opportunities and improve the search results.
I've installed ElasticPress to do this, linked it with a seperate instance of ElasticSearch through their own program. It is functioning and it looks like some queries are run through the elastic search.
However, it looks like the results are being overruled by WPLMS results sometimes. We use the standard all-courses page. Could you point me to what to edit to make sure the search results given by ElasticPress will be shown? Or could you check on how to integrate this?
The documentation regarding the possibilities with the Elasticpress plugin:
It's definitely that will be of added value to us and the users. It shouldn't be to difficult (probably only adding
'ep_integrate' => true, to the query options of WPLMS).
Thanks in advance!