How do I disable the messages below blog posts?
I have tried to disable Settings - Discussion - "Allow people to post comments on new articles" without any luck.
It says "These settings may be overridden for individual articles." Is there anywhere else I can disable the comments/messages/discussions for blog posts?
To disable the comments in wordpress :
Please disable it from discussions(this is wordpress default settings and wplms) :
To disable discussions in units goro wplms ->course manager :
To disable messages goto settimgs ->buddypress ->components :
As shown in the previous attachement I already have disabled the "Allow people to post comments on new articles" section, but the comment field still shows below every blog post.
1. Go to each blog post.
2. Scroll down to the bottom and uncheck "Allow comments"
If you are unable to see the option: Check screen options at the right hand side (top of the page) and check/enable "discussions".
Let us know if this helps.
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