1. Create a batch or group.
2. Connect various courses you want in the batch.
3. Make the Companay manager the Moderator of the Group. This person/s can add/remove members from the batch and view their statistics.
4. Add company logo as Group image.
5. Add custom information in Group details section.
I Create a Group and I have this problems:
I go to wp Admin - Groups
I go to GamaTv group for example
1. When I try to save a cover image, it load but the Cover Image is not save.
2. When I try to save a Batch, It load But It is not save.
How Can I fix it?
User: test
Pass: 123abcde
Fixed the issues at your end please check the issues again .
I found the batch settings to working fine .
Please also refer this quick for the issue in batches with the back end edit page :