wplms woocommerce addon variables

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  • #79538

    This is the issue: i have video courses, every course has 2 variants: one with 7 day drip feed and monthly payment (4 units/ month) and one variant without drip feed, for integral payments with full acces.

    I bought this plugin because it makes the clients aware that i have 2 variants of the same course: paid in full with instant full acces or monthly with 4 units / month (some clients told me they didn't see at first the full acces variant).

    Now, it just hit me: i cannot use your addon the way i intended because the variables will just allocate to the client the course with or without drip feed or both if i setup both variants of the course, in product settings. See printscreen: http://prnt.sc/d55xob  I do not want clients to be able to see all units for 30 days, in other words they will pay for one month but they will se the hall course, for 30 days. Or to buy all course and see the course with drip feed enabled.

    I need to be able to choose inside variables, what variant of course will be allocated to the client after payment. In other words, if the clients pays 1 month acces (4 units) he will be allocated the drip feed course variant, if he pays for full acces he will have instant full acces to all the units, for a period of time that i setup in subscription plugin and your addon.

    You made something like that when you added batched into the variables...i need courses there too if possible. See prinscreen: http://prnt.sc/d55r5e

    If necessarry i want to pay for this customisation, if you consider it is not usefull for any other users or it is not usefful as future feature or it will take long time to be implemented.

    I also posted this in the feature request but nobody answers.

    Anca Bogdan

    H.K. Latiyan
    Please do not create duplicate topics. Refer the reply here: https://wplms.io/support/forums/topic/wplms-woocommerce-and-woocommerce-subscription-plugin/
    I thought you didn't answer me because you didn't see the reply or because the question was not directly related to the reason why i opened that topic in the first place. :) Sorry. anca bogdan
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