Once I click the "add student" icon the box pops up to add a student, but it will NOT allow me to type anything. I have tried many browsers and does not work. It did work before.
Please help!
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it seems like that there is some third party plugin calling the script "select2.js" in that page from wooommerce .Can you please try updating all wplms and vibe plugins and deactivate all third party plugins at once and check the issue again ?
Sorry..thought it was private. How can I delete it?
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CAn you please share your credentials again in a private reply to check this .I need to check your site by deactivating some third party plugins ?
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Ok I checked your site and found that it was the " YITH WooCommerce Affiliates Premium " plugin that was causing this issue .I deactivated it and it fixed the issue with the add students .
Now please contact this plugin author why it is enqueue select2 scripts on that course page in front end ?