Coding tips

By default we recommend users to upload images of same dimensions, however in so
Add this in WP Admin->Appearance->Customize->Custom css .certificate_co
We’ve added the Site stats shortcodes in Vibe shortcodes plugin (v 1.9.2+)
No longer required in 3.x : —– 1.  Go to WP
#1 Remove Course Price 0. Install the WPLMS Customizer plugin 1. Go to following
1. Go to WP Admin -> Appearance -> Customise -> Custom CSS 2. Add this
1. Go to WP Admin -> Appearance -> Customise -> Custom CSS 2. Add this
You can add custom Classes to courses in course directory using this simple tip
Add this css code in WP Admin->Appearance->Customize->Custom CSS .cours
1. Create a new Admin user and note the User id . Assuming user is as XX for res
Add this code in WP Admin->Appearance -> customize -> Custom CSS .post
0. Install WPLMS customiser plugin. 1. Go to WP Admin -> Plugins ->Editor
This tip allows you to put restrictions on who all can access the course directo
Add the following line in the WPLMS Customizer plugin , customizer_class.php Add
Locate the Vibe Customtypes plugin and remove this line from the bottom of the p