Coding tips


Course Start Notification

PHP August 27, 2015
Yes, there is a hook provided in the theme for this : badgeos_wplms_start_course
Using following steps you can add your own custom logo in footer. 1. Step 1 : Hi
1. Use the Filter : wplms_certificate_code to encrypt the certificate code. For
Using this simple tip you can hide instructors from the whole site : 1. Go to WP
Add following code in WP Admin -> Plugins -> Editor -> WPLMS Customizer
Follow below tip on how to change Subscription duration from Days to Hours . Ref
In this team you’ll learn how to add custom title information on the Team
1. Go to WPLMS->Plugins->editor->WPLMS_customizer->customizer_class.
For sites hosted on WP Engine, we’ve found an issue with the Login panel.
Add the following snippet in your child theme functions.php or wplms customizer
You need a child theme for this, because BuddyPress overwrites the dynamic sideb
Add this code in WP Admin->Appearance->Customize->Custom CSS Code: #npr
Rename the “FREE” label in Course Pricing 1. Go to WP Admin -> Pl
To hide the ADD NEW COURSE CATEGORY link from the front end course creation : 1.
1. Go to WP Admin -> Plugins -> Editor->WPLMS Customizer -> customiz