Coding tips

1. Go to WP Admin -> Plugins -> editor -> WPLMS Customizer -> custom
Only valid for courses sold via WooCommerce. If you want to give fixed commissio
Add this code in Wplms-customizer Plugin->customizer_class.php. Add this line
To create popup on course page follow the steps : 1. Create a popup form wp-admi
In this tip we will customize the “My Courses” tab on All courses pa
Add the following code in wplms-customizer.php add_action('init',function (){ re
1) Only paste this code snippet in your child theme’s function.php add_act
1)Add this code in your child theme or  wp-content/plugins/wplms-customizer/wpl
Please follow the below instructions for displaying remaining unit+quizzes time
Center align all the widgets in footer .footerwidget {   text-align: center; }
Try each of the shortcodes Full width button with Secondary color : Animates as
Please trya ddign this given code in your wplms-customizer.php file in wplms cus
Code must be Added to child theme – functions.php file or wp- admin –
Add below code snippet in your child theme – functions.php or WPLMS Custom
This tutorial is show us how you can control the end date for all the users purc